About Omiros company profile business include Taxi fleet management and operations
All prices of Chios Taxi include all taxes and fees
About Omiros company taxi the most reliable professional and affordable transportation
Wherever you are traveling to in Chios Island, Chios Taxi be there to take care of your transport needs
We operate our own Chios Radio Taxi fleet and avoid the middle men to offer you the best rates
About Omiros company profile employ only the best and treat them fairly, all our drivers speak English, are professionally trained, and know the areas they work in like the back of their hands.
What we do & Why people trust us
-Present in Chios Island since 1982, OMiROS Taxi Travel, plays a major role and fosters innovation in the field of passenger transportation.
-Through the years of experience we established our brand name as the synonymous of safety, luxury and consistency to all our customers in the Chios and the Greece!
-To prove worthy of our Customers’ trust, with improved services and innovative solutions that meet every possible need.
-We offer the most complete and qualitative tourism services with an emphasis to the human aspect of each traveler, self-improving daily, taking into consideration and evaluating our customers' suggestions.
-The our strategic targets: constant focus on our customers' needs and desires, steady training and development of our personnel, and new website launching providing online access to our services.
-To always upgrade our services with constant investments in vehicles, technology, and human resources.
-Our associates team complies with all legal demands, licenses and insurance coverage of the Greek legislation.

We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible rides within the island of Chios. Our carefully selected professional drivers are available 24 hours to take you anywhere you need to go. Please feel free to explore the other portions of the Taxi of Chios, Inc. web site so you can gather all the information you feel you need for choosing your taxi provider.
What Our Customers Say
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